Saturday, February 22, 2014

Review: Queen Helene Mint Julep Masque

This discovery started about 3 years ago, when I was suffering from my worst bout with acne.  

In my quest to find a product that would complement my skincare routine, I found this--Mint Julep Masque by Queen Helene.

What is it for?

Mint Julep Masque is the original natural home treatment developed by a dermatologist that helps dry up acne, rinse away blackheads, absorb excess oil, and shrink enlarged pores.  After the masque is removed, your skin feels clean, tight, refreshed, and smooth.  People who have normal skin can also use this to supplement their usual skincare routine.  

On good days, I use this as a refreshing facial treatment to help relax tired facial muscles and ease tension lines on my face and neck.

How do you use it?

After cleansing your face and neck, apply generously like a mask.  Allow to dry for about 15 minutes.  Within minutes, it will dry up and harden, as it draws out impurities from your pores.  

Remove with warm water and a wash cloth.

This is how I apply the mask.  I try to avoid the soft area surrounding my eyes and lips.

The mask dries up after about 15 minutes or so.  This is how it looks like when it's all cakey and dried up.  

When it cracks up like this, you know that it's time to rinse it off.

What I love about it


Very economical, a little goes a long way.

It works.  It dries up the most stubborn of acne.  It also makes my skin feel nice and taut.  My pores appear smaller.  

The minty smell and cool sensation is very relaxing, I often fall asleep with this on.


Too bad, you can only find this at Healthy Options.  It retails for about P300.00.  I wish they carried they entire Queen Helene line.  But they only have this and the Mud Pack variant, which is very good for tightening loose facial skin.

For more info on this and other products, check out Queen Helene's site.

What's your favourite facial mask?

Stay pretty!

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